Saturday, August 14, 2010

Away to Aldern's house we go

This is a post that interacts with the Iron Desk. Check it and its characters out there.

Li Kao was still talking about the Albino Troll despite the fact that Malvick, Ariva and he had been walking for almost twenty minutes. Malvick wondered when the story was going to end, but the way Li prattled on he had a feeling they may only be on chapter two of nine.

"And that's when he had my halfling friend by the ankles, swinging him from between the tree trunks. I'm quite surprised he didn't bump his head, not that it would have made any..."

"Yes, I know. You weren't fond of your fellow adventurer. I got that part when you tripped him with that immovable rod beside the creek bed and he went face first. If you don't mind I think I spotted a sign for a hunter's guild or trading post just down this roadway."

Malvick changed his pace and walked a bit quicker before Li could pick up where he left off. Ariva was hot on his heels. Besides the constant chatter Malvick liked having Li along to fill a bit of the silence. He hadn't travelled with a group for a long time before getting to Sandpoint.

Down the road the wooden sign above the door swung slowly in the wind. In faded red paint it read "The Wyvern." This looked like the hunter's guild he was after. They sometimes had posting boards for work, decent equipment or word on the latest hunting.

The door was much heavier than he anticipated and he held it for Li. Inside, a small fire barely lit the room which was musty from the pelts and trophy heads along the walls. A group of three, two men and a woman, looked to be preparing to head out, stuffing bags with supplies and packing some weapons.

One man looked up, "Ah, sorry mates, the team is full. If you're here for the boar hunt you're outta luck. We're not splitting the job more than three ways." Malvick noticed he only saw one eye, the other looked hidden behind a very old scar.

"Actually we didn't even know about that. I was coming through the area and noticed the sign. Is this the local hunter's guild?" Malvick asked. They seemed in a hurry.

"One of them at least," said the one eyed hunter. "You'll see a few in Magnimar. This one gets the most business although things have been a bit slow all around, but I'm sure you've heard of that by now. Sorry for rushing you out but we have a deadline to keep here. There's a boar around Magnimar that won't trounce itself. The bulletin board is outside so help yourself. If you need supplies you'll need to come back later. Just ask for Baoch when we're back. I'm usually around if I'm not out for the day with a party.  Now head out before I lock up."

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