Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saw the strangest thing today...

How often can you say you spoke with a dead man? I can't say I'll remember the conversation in a few years, but I will always remember the face. After surviving the horrors of the Foxglove estate the first thing we get to do is experience meeting that doomed couple a second time in their own townhouse in Magnimar. In the doorway I left figuring out what was going on to the scholar, Li, while the Ranger in me made sure everything else was clear.

It wasn't long before I heard an exclamation. I knew something was going to happen. Always waiting until the storm breaks. It worked out in the end, and the sights are something I'll never forget.

At first they were the Foxglove's, the next moment they were these... things. I had never met dopplegangers before. Li later told us what they were - some ancient creatures used for politics and treachery - a race that had lost its way, if it ever really had one in the first place. Soon we may know what they were doing here and maybe in the end it will make sense. 

I feel we must all be careful, or we will all end up like those dopplegangers. Lost, confused, and violent.


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